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התחדשות עירונית<br> מבית איסתא נכסים התחדשות עירונית<br> מבית איסתא נכסים

Urban regeneration

1. Preliminary meeting and feasibility study

a meeting is held with the tenants and Company representatives to check the tenants’ wishes and cooperation that will guide the process. Then we conduct various checks with municipal entities and representatives to review the possibility of implementing the process.

2. Forming an apartment owners’ association

Forming an apartment owners’ association and electing representatives - the association is formed while appointing advisors and professionals on its behalf, including attorneys.

3. Negotiations with the developer

Negotiations with the developer and presentation of the project - at this stage, the developer is chosen and then the commercial terms and conditions are discussed.

4. Signing agreements with the tenants

Signing agreements with the tenants and reporting to the authorities - once the required majority of tenants have signed, we start promoting the process with the authorities.

5. Obtaining permits, building the project

Obtaining permits, building the project and handing over the new apartments - the work naturally begins by demolishing the old building, continues with the construction of the project and ends with occupancy of the tenants in their new homes. Congratulations!


התחשות עירונית מבית אוחנה

Urban regeneration is the overall name for a process in which a specific building or area requires rehabilitation and renewal. Ohana Group’s lifeblood is development and construction of all types in this sector. Our work is carried out together with the leading professionals in Israel. As part of urban regeneration, our Company has developed and constructed projects in various urban renewal channels: Vacate and Rebuild complexes, mix of uses and NMP projects.

כמה מילים על התחדשות עירונית

In urban regeneration, we actually reinforce and thicken the existing building against earthquakes, thereby granting it the latest and most stringent safety standards. Alternatively, the old building is demolished and a new, stylish and more spacious building is constructed in its place.

כמה מילים על התחדשות עירונית

In Vacate and Rebuild complexes, we cover a much wider area. In such case, several old buildings are demolished and in their place, we construct a large and impressive project that also renews the residential environment, such as gardens, utilities and public areas.